PowerBlock, Inc. was founded in 1991 by specialty fitness equipment designers who became friends while designing equipment for several companies including Parabody and Cybex.
While searching for specific needs in the fitness industry, they were drawn to the large amount of dumbbells they would encounter in the specialty fitness stores they visited. There had to be a better way of providing fitness enthusiasts with the performance advantage of hand weights without the space and restrictions of old-fashioned racks and dumbbells.
It was here the idea for PowerBlock was born. After two years of extensive testing, powerblock began sales of the newly coined "selectorized dumbbell". Since then, PowerBlock has continued to be the leader in the fitness industry as we constantly strive to out-do ourselves in the pursuit of excellence.
Our best to you and your health from the team at PowerBlock.
For more information, please visit: www.powerblock.com