SpeedFit is the leader by being the original designer and first developer of the Curve Treadmill holding more than 10 Patents on the curve designed treadmills.
A motor-less treadmill that provides a better running experience than traditional motorized treadmills. Built for performance and high quality, this non-motorized and Curve Treadmill delivers an unparalleled running experience on this zero-maintenance treadmill.
These affordable and finest manual treadmills (Speedfit LITE and ProXL) are built to provide years of trouble free operation. Incorporated with various features, whether running that marathon training, or working on your fitness, these curved and non-motorized SpeedFit Products will provide that extra edge.
These motorless treadmills give the best cost benefit when compared to motorized treadmills. They are a lot more affordable than electrical treadmills and also more lightweight. If the treadmill is likely to be situated in multiple places around the house, then a non-motorized treadmill like Speedboard LITE (coming soon) is easily foldable and can be stored with very limited space requirement.