Vectra Fitness

Vectra Fitness
Vectra Fitness has an exciting story to tell, and our history dates back to 1987 when the comany was founded. Three of the Four original founders are still owners today and are actively invloved in the business. Two of these are mechanical engineers by education and profession. Strong engineering principles combined with unprecidented and creative designs have resulted in approximately 30 patents being issued to Vectra innovations over the years.
Vectra products pioneered the market for High-end compact multi-station weight gyms for home and institutional use, and have consistently received the highest ratings and recommendations ince their introduction. Through constant product improvements and new product introductions, Vectra has been, and continues to be a worldwide leader for providing spce efficient, premium multi-station weight gyms for over 20 years.
Why buy a Vectra? The reasons are too many to list. Vectra makes the finest multi-gyms and functional trainers that are available. Vectra machines are attractive, easy and comfortable to use, and safe to have in your home. Our weight machines are engineered based on human biomechanics (the way the human body moves). What does this mean? It means that we've taken the time and effort to design the machines so that you are in a proper exercise position, and able to perform the exercises correctly and comfortably. We haven't compromised the quality of exercise movements to fit into a particular machine footprint. After all, you want to be satisfied with the exercises you're going to perform throughout the duration of your gym ownership. Simply stated, the quality of the exercise movements is second to none. All of our gyms are constructed with the highest quality materials and parts to make them more durable to last longer and perform better. Vectra multi-station gyms and functional trainers are easier to use, easier to use correctly, provide a smaller chance of bad technique injury, and are made with craftsmanship, one at a time in the USA. Vectra gyms are bench based, allowing a host of additional exercises not found on the vertical, seat based gyms. There are many comparative situations where Vectra gyms offer twice as many exercises, but require less than half the adjustment time and effort during the workout. There is not a single pop pin or screw down adjustment on any Vectra machine, which is a testament to the superior design and engineering. We are innovative leaders in the fitness industry who continually strive for superior quality, function and aesthetically pleasing appearance.
Why does Vectra cost more? If Vectra does cost more than other weight training systems, it means that the buyer will receive more total benefit and value. What is value? Value is what you receive for your money spent. Vectra offers single station, commercial health club quality exercises in a multi-station and functional training format. If you were to buy single station type machines, the cost would be 5 to 10 times that of a Vectra. Other multi-gyms do not provide the quality and variety of a Vectra machine. The larger quantity of exercises means the user can mix up their exercise regimen for variety throughout the ownership of the gym. We do not compromise the way our machines look or function, nor do we neglect any part of the body. We could reduce the cost of our machines by using lower quality components and moving our manufacturing overseas, or reducing the number of quality exercises available, but then that wouldn't be a Vectra. Other weight machines may offer a workout, but not as comfortably, safely or biomechanically correct as Vectra. Vectra machines generally default you into correct positions even if you are a beginner and not sure about your form. What is that worth to you? Vectra gyms are built in the USA from superior materials that will last longer and perform better. With Vectra you get more than just a workout, you get a lifestyle.
How do I know which Vectra is right for me? We manufacture several different machine models that range in size, style and available exercises, each designed to accommodate varying room sizes and exercise preferences. Other variables include who will be using the equipment, what are their fitness goals, and how many people will be using the machine simultaneously. Within our website, located on each product page, you will find a link that allows you to compare Vectra machines by features and exercises. It is beneficial for you to discuss your individual needs and goals with your local authorized Vectra dealer, to receive their professional experience and advice. You may also contact Vectra directly with further questions.
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