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If you're interested in setting up or enhancing your home gym, investing in a lifting rack is a staple item. Choosing the right lifting rack can be a challenge, especially when there are so many different options. Some people prefer squat stands for their compact size and easy transport, while others refuse to work out on anything less than a full rack. So, what are the differences between the three main categories of lifting racks?
Squat racks will allow you to do a variety of exercises in your home gym. The key thing about a squat rack is it allows you to do squats and deadlifts safely. This is a very versatile piece of fitness equipment and particularly helpful for those wanting to lift heavy weights. This is also a great starting point for someone who has cardio in their fitness routine but wants to add weightlifting. Many people prefer doing exercises like squats, deadlifts, and chest presses with a barbell, and this piece of equipment allows you to do so.
The squat stand or squat rack offers the smallest amount of support of the three options we'll be covering today. These stands are typically the most portable. Some squat stands come in two separate pieces with transport wheels, but even without wheels, they are light enough to move around easily. To put it simply, squat stands are a lightweight method of keeping the bar off the ground. As a result of their light weight and small footprint, squat stands typically have the lowest weight capacity. Another major factor for squat stands is that they usually do not have safety bars. Safety bars are an extremely important feature for those wishing to lift heavy.
The arms can often be moved up and down to adjust the bar height, or J-hook positioning can be adjusted. Squat stands generally come in at the lowest price point and can be a good option if you’re wanting a simple solution with a small footprint. Within the different squat stands, there will be a range of quality and weight capacity.
Half racks offer more support and adjustability than squat stands. They also feature safety bars and sometimes an overhead bar for pull-ups and band attachments. A half rack will only have one set of uprights and won't form the enclosed cage like you would see on a full power rack.
This type of rack provides great all-around freedom in your lifting. It is the perfect solution if you're looking for small footprint equipment but desire the extra support and options that a squat stand won’t offer. Many half racks will have increments on the front columns that allow you to position the J-hooks and safety bars in the exact position you need them. Proper positioning ensures that the safety bars will catch the bar at the right height and prevent injury.
Some half racks will come with plate storage, bar storage, and the option for attachments, whereas others will be more simple.
A power rack, power cage, or full rack serves much the same purpose as a half rack but provides the most stability. The cage design has dual columns at the front and back, supported by horizontal bars at the top and bottom. This allows this style of rack to handle heavier weights than a half rack. A full power rack will take up more space than most squat stands and half racks, mainly in depth.
The dual-upright layout also means that power racks can often be used by two people at once—one on the inside and one on the outside of the rack. Usually, a rack wouldn't come with enough J-hooks and safety bars to do so, but extras can typically be purchased. Power racks vary in design, with some very simple and others that include more attachments, such as a dip station, built-in plate storage, or a multi-grip pull-up bar.
Overall, this option will provide you with the most support and the most options for your workout.
The different categories of cages and squat racks will have different weight capacities. This is an essential factor to consider, especially if you plan on lifting heavy. For higher capacities, look in the full cages category. The complete four-column design will be able to handle more weight in your gym.
When deciding on any piece of fitness equipment, space is an important factor. Make sure to measure the space you have and look at the dimensions of the unit you’re interested in. Ceiling height will be particularly important with racks, especially if you want to use the pull-up bar, as you will need extra space at the top. You should also factor in enough space on either side of the rack to load the bar with plates and easily move around the unit.
Some racks offer the option to add additional attachments, such as storage solutions, landmines, and more. Some racks even have the option to add a lat attachment, so if there's something specific you want, make sure that the rack you're looking at offers that option. While many racks look the same or have similar measurements, it is uncommon for attachments and accessories from other brands to be compatible.
Keep in mind that although many squat racks may look the same aesthetically, like anything, there are different levels of quality and durability. Typically, a thicker, heavier squat rack will feel more stable and endure a higher weight capacity. Some squat racks may be commercial-grade, meaning their durability in a home gym setting will be great. If you're lifting a very high amount of weights, you may want to consider a more heavy-duty, high-quality squat rack.
If you already have a barbell or will be purchasing one when you choose your rack, it’s important to consider that some racks only accommodate a certain size of barbell. A power cage or half rack has a set width in which only 6.5 or 7-foot bars will fit. Squat stands are typically adjustable and can accommodate smaller 6-foot or 5-foot bars if needed. When shopping for a squat rack or squat stand, if you already have a barbell that you'd like to continue using, make sure to measure not the overall barbell length, but the length between the stoppers. This will ensure your barbell will fit on your new squat rack or squat stand.
Choosing the right bench for your squat rack, power rack, or squat stand is essential for your workout. First, consider whether you want a flat bench or an adjustable bench. Most people opt for an adjustable bench because of its versatility; however, some prefer a flat bench for comfort. If your space allows, you may want both. A flat bench is typically a cheaper option than an adjustable bench. When choosing the right bench, consider the space you have within the rack. Some squat racks have a bar at the back of the rack that might prevent you from rolling the bench further back. You'll also want to consider the height of the bench relative to where the safety bars are to make sure you can comfortably do bench presses and other exercises performed with a bench.
You will need a set of weights to use your new squat rack. Weights typically have either a 1" or 2" hole and come in various materials, such as cast iron, rubber, and urethane.
You'll want a place to store your plates. Some squat racks come with built-in storage, which is a great feature. If the squat rack doesn't come with plate storage, you can sometimes purchase an attachment to add it to the rack. If this isn’t an option, you can purchase a plate tree to store your plates.
When doing squats, the safety bar should be set at the lowest point of your squat, allowing you to push yourself to the full range of motion without the risk of not being able to get back up. To set the bar height for squats, I recommend performing the full range of motion with no additional weights. Afterward, you should have a good idea of where the safety bar needs to be set. This same method can be used for setting the safety bar height for other home gym exercises. If done properly, this eliminates the need for a safety spotter when using your equipment.
Many full cages include a chin-up bar. Some will be simple and straight, while others may have multi-grip attachments. Half racks may also have a chin-up bar. This will not be a feature on individual squat stands.
Popular brands for squat racks or power cages include Body Solid, Hoist, FitWay, Torque, Inspire, and Ultimate. These are just a few of the trusted brands in Canada. The benefit of choosing a squat rack from these brands is that we can source parts if maintenance is needed down the road.
If the above information is not the type of workout you are looking for you may want to consider a smith machine or a functional trainer. This is another super versatile machine where you can accomplish many different types of workouts.
If you are in Regina or the surrounding areas, we offer delivery and installation services. Delivery and installation rates can be calculated based on your location and the type of squat rack you are purchasing. If you choose not to pay for delivery, you can pick up your rack at one of our locations. Delivery and installation make setting up your gym stress-free.
Contact Fitness Experience to see what we have in stock and potentially on sale. It's as easy as adding it to your cart and we will get it to your door in Saskatchewan as soon as possible.