3 Positive Changes Covid-19 Brought to Gyms

In an industry that suffered so heavily during the Covid-19 pandemic, it may be difficult to see the glass half full, but the reality is there are a few positive trends and changes that came out of it.

Outdoor Workouts

Outdoor workouts are arguably the best trend to come from the pandemic! The social distancing, long lines and limited access members could do without, but a study showed that many members want the outdoor workouts to stay. Members enjoyed spending their workout time outside, but having the same access to instruction based classes. This benefits your facility greatly, because it means that additional class times can be added utilizing indoor and outdoor spaces. People love variety and this is one trend I think we'll see stay in 2022.


Although it may have cost money upfront to provide more cleaning supplies, it seems that members are way more likely to follow cleaning protocols at public gyms. Members come to a gym to improve and maintain their health and of course, the last thing they want is to come to the gym and get sick as a result. Gym owners and staff have a responsibility to provide a safe, and germ-free environment. Cultivating a community of cleaners begins with setting standards that need to be followed by everyone. The bulk of cleaning will be done by staff, however enforcing that members sanitize machines between use will further help stop the spread of germs. After two years of living with Covid-19 we are used to extra sanitization methods and members seem to comply.



Recent studies have shown that a sense of community is becoming increasingly more important to members, which is great! The more that members create these connections at the gym, the more likely they are to keep coming back and even recruit future members. There are many ways you can create a positive community at the gym and this will not go unnoticed. Living a healthy life is more than just getting in as many reps as possible. Mental, social and emotional strength play an important role in your self-care as well.  Help meet members needs on multiple levels — far more than the equipment you offer — a community full of support. The right gym community keeps people coming back.