4 Reasons To Invest In A Culture Of Fitness

People are prioritizing their health more than ever and workplace wellness programs never go unnoticed. There are many different types of corporate wellness programs that may include company covered fitness classes, an allowance to purchase fitness equipment, or a fitness facility at work. In this article we explore the four main benefits of having an onsite fitness facility. 

Fitness Fosters Teamwork

Camaraderie is harder to measure, but it is also an important a benefit of a workplace fitness program. Activities outside of normal work help foster a better relationship between employees and exercising together is no exception. Employees who exercise together get to know each other better, and those enhanced relationships translate into all kinds of benefits in the work place. In addition to bettering work relationships, social support is a huge factor in reaching fitness goals. Having a fitness facility in the convenience of your workplace, plus having the extra support system could be enough to help your employees reach their goals.

Fitness Creates Less Stress

With many workers today spending much of their workday sitting at a computer screen, neck, back and wrist and arm fatigue are major contributors to workplace stress and fatigue. Although it may feel like the last thing you want to do after/before a day of work, exercising even just for fifteen minutes will help relieve stress. Exercise has the ability to both exhilarate and to relax and can serve to counter depression and to dissipate stress. Clinical results also have shown that workers sleep better after exercise and are able to lower both their cholesterol and blood pressure levels by following a regular exercise plan. In stressful occupations stress relief is so important. Help your employees make fitness a priority by creating a fitness facility within the workplace. This eliminates extra costs of gym memberships and saves them a trip (or an excuse) of needing to drive somewhere additional in their day. 

Fitness Encourages Better Work Performance

Research is showing that companies who have a corporate fitness program retain their employees longer than other companies. It's proven that fitness helps improve productivity and focus. Motivation in one area of your life can reflect on another area. Connection has been made between those with a healthy, active lifestyle and those with higher work performance.

Higher Retention 

Investing in a company culture of cooperation can pay off in increased loyalty and higher retention of quality employees. That atmosphere of teamwork spills over into the community and reflects well on your whole organization. Adopting a healthier lifestyle is ultimately an individual decision, but showing that you care about your employee's health and wellness will go a long way in their loyalty to the company and leave them feeling valued and appreciated.